Simple Food: Week 3

I could not be more excited to talk about how things went during week 3 of my Simple Food project! This week was completely nuts for me. Not busy like the previous week was when I was running my oldest daughter to rehearsals every night and spending my weekend wrapping brownies and trying to schedule […]

Simple Food: Week 2

I found some chai tea buried in the back of my tea cupboard (yes, I realize that may mean that it’s not the tastiest this point, but don’t worry; I doubled up on it), so I’ve decided that this is the perfect moment to sit down and account for week 2, lest you think that […]

Simple Food: Getting Started

  I found the above quote last night and immediately knew that it was the perfect lead-in for this first honest-to-goodness we’re-really-starting-the-process post for my simple food project. It embodies my biggest shopping issue perfectly! I’ve been considering just how much to actually share publicly, and I’ve decided that sharing as much as possible is […]